Neo-Baak Jyut Chronicle 2023
In the depths of history, Hong Kong existed as a fragment of 'Baak Jyut', a region steeped in tribal lore. I endeavor to shed the modern veneer of our city, escaping the chaos of human existence by delving into a realm where time dissolves, and nature's symphony envelops our senses.
我們立足的土地,在遠古被稱為「百越」(又稱「百粵」)。今以《新百越紀》為 題,我嘗試忘卻這片土地的面貌,於時間軌跡上往後查探,漸漸歸回大自然的韻律 之中。
In the depths of history, Hong Kong existed as a fragment of 'Baak Jyut', a region steeped in tribal lore. I endeavor to shed the modern veneer of our city, escaping the chaos of human existence by delving into a realm where time dissolves, and nature's symphony envelops our senses.
我們立足的土地,在遠古被稱為「百越」(又稱「百粵」)。今以《新百越紀》為 題,我嘗試忘卻這片土地的面貌,於時間軌跡上往後查探,漸漸歸回大自然的韻律 之中。
The images on the postcards are originally two cityscapes of Hong Kong. With the technology of AI I removed all the traces of humans.
The images on the postcards are originally two cityscapes of Hong Kong. With the technology of AI I removed all the traces of humans.
The images on the postcards are originally two cityscapes of Hong Kong. With the technology of AI I removed all the traces of humans.
The images on the postcards are originally two cityscapes of Hong Kong. With the technology of AI I removed all the traces of humans.
A wide view of the exhibition space.
Chinese Banyan 細葉榕
Chinese Banyan 細葉榕
Coordinates of the Chinese Banyan.
Ginkgo Biloba 銀杏
Ginkgo Biloba 銀杏
Coordinates of the Ginkgo tree.
Ginkgo Biloba 銀杏
A fern 蕨類植物
Coordinates of a fern.
A fern 蕨類植物
African Snail 非洲陸蝸牛
African Snail 非洲陸蝸牛
Ammonoidea 菊石
Coordinates of the Ammonoidea fossil.
Ammonoidea 菊石
Long-tailed Skink 長尾南蜥
Long-tailed Skink 長尾南蜥
Long-tailed Skink 長尾南蜥
Long-tailed Skink 長尾南蜥
Tally marks, handwrittten geologic ages sequence, going backwards. 計數符號,手寫地質年代名稱 (反向順序) 。
Tally marks, handwrittten geologic ages sequence, going backwards. 計數符號,手寫地質年代名稱 (反向順序) 。
Wooden Briefcase 木製手提箱
( A animated Long-tailed Skink. 動畫化長尾南蜥影像 )
Wooden Briefcase 木製手提箱
( A animated Long-tailed Skink. 動畫化長尾南蜥影像 )
Wooden Briefcase 木製手提箱
( A animated Long-tailed Skink. 動畫化長尾南蜥影像 )
A fragment of rock. I endeavored to transport the ancient Ammonoidea fossil from Shatin station to the exhibition, experimenting with techniques like transfer printing. Yet, the outcome diverged from my vision, leading to the presence of this humble rock instead.
我嘗試以不同方式把菊石移印至石頭上,渴望世界認清 其微少而歷久不衰的存在。可是終究不能以完美形態還原,時空與古石的連結只能 以雙重曝光的影像呈現。